Wednesday, November 5, 2008

zero hour nine a.m.

i got a phonecall last night at 4am. and since i have no alarm clock and i keep the house phone next to my head so jake or justin can wake me up in the morning, it woke me up. it was nobody. it was the most unfortunate thing to happen to me in a long time, because all i did was stay up and think until right now, where i just got the REAL phone call telling me my ride is outside. years of stuff went through my head last night/this morning. memories. ghosts. all the people ive made cry. all the lack of crying on my part.

forgiveness for myself is out of the question. escape is nonexistant. i haunt myself. my ghost appears on nights like last night. eating my own weak blood. it wont be soon before long... so long.

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