Tuesday, November 11, 2008


why is it impossible for somebody like myself to have girls in my life that are merely friends? its not impossible, one of my best friends, if not THE best friend is a girl, but it seems either i always feel too strongly towards girls, or they feel too strongly towards me. and i cant even relate on any level to most guys enough to be good friends with them. so that sucks because it essentially leaves me alone with my thoughts.

i hate how girls EXPECT every dude ever to hit on them and want to fuck them. and i hate how they get offended when i DONT do that, because i am not that dude. you arent gods gift to men, lady.

girls, stay away. i dont understand you and i never will. ill just keep being awkward when one of you is around and either be really mean to you or be nice to you and have you think i want to do you because im being nice to you.

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