Saturday, November 8, 2008


i had a really good day/night today.

i woke up too early, justin and jake woke up too late... so i missed my first class which im not too down with. once again, i guess it goes along with not having a car. went to english, found out some criteria for my 8-10 page essay that i have to outline by monday? and then i present a blueprint of my essay to the class for a 15 minute discussion period on wednesday? that was sort of lame, considering the prompt is vague and the requirements are extensive. justin didnt feel like going to jazz, and frankly; neither did i. so we just came home instead. i did a bunch of house stuff and hung out with my kitty, then went to mario's bands show in san leandro. people were acting like it was all ghetto thuggish ruggish, but it wasnt that bad at all. the show sucked. that type of testosterone hardcore is so fucking dumb, with the exception of lose none. and i wouldnt even demean that band by classifying them like that. the new album is off the wall good, and the dudes are off the wall nice. saw the typical sketchy shit that is to be expected, said hi to a lot of old friends i havent seen in years, as well as made some new ones. this kid omar kept passing a 60$ bottle of tequila around, and he was trying SO hard to get me to drink it, i kinda felt bad. chopped it up with some of the old tweaks that live? there about slayer and creedence. they know whats up. met some wild coke lord who tried to get me to start selling coke. not into it. basically, it was me and mario having sober fun with all of our drunk/coked out/high/Oed out friends. fun times all around in that regards. told some wild stories to people and we all shared hearty laughs. SQUID WAS THERE. he plays bass in lionheart now? that kid is everywhere hes a wild dude. bradball was crackin me up. consoled friends in long talks about serious serious shit, gave advice. played wingman for paul. the usual. got back into town, went to some party? it was weird he was all white trash but he was playing michael jackson? basically, had a lot of memory sharing and long talks. saw my friend brandi which was unexpectedly cool. saw some girl who said she remembered me from a few months ago then told me some wild shit i did. that was random. geno bought tacos for me and i got dropped off at home.

back into the known.

im going to go to sleep now while i still have the smile on my face, because id rather know nothing and remain in the unknown.

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