Monday, November 17, 2008


every day is becoming ironclad in its own concise clockwork. the cogs and gears are meshing together in a smooth machine-like motion. this is what its all about. uniformity without conformity. socialism without communism. the egotistics and complexes are drowning somewhere in the sands of time and progression. the vehicles of passion are being driven on a two-lane highway, boxed in by responsible white vans and logical green hybrids. modesty silently sits in my corner, hiding behind wire frame readers and scores of Faulkners and Hemingways. everyday, i wake up and walk on golden paths that erase the past's bridges and gaps. passion wanes grey on the ceiling, eminating stagnant life. governing. logic burns fiery red resonating in my eyelids. my heart beats a healthy rich blue, thickening with the cold freeze that no longer halts it. white skies. blue smiles.

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