Saturday, November 15, 2008

equinox. solstice.

i had a REALLY good day yesterday. I went to school and realized I didnt even need to go. In political science, we only had some lady speaking about prop. 8 and i left class because theres no point in talking about it or listening to somebody talk about it. especially since its after november 4th and whats done is done. got home, decided against the gym... i think i pulled a tendon in my forearm. so instead, i got coffee with my friend haley. I got a DELICIOUS peppermint cocoa that was sooo worth 4$ from peets. Not gonna lie though, I was pretty bummed that the chick behind the counter didnt have candy cane bits to sprinkle in there. But I dealt with it like a man and pressed on. Me and Haley caught up a lot, which was really nice, because we used to be pretty close a few years ago. She's moving to seattle in a few weeks which is pretty rad cause seattle is an awesome town. then we went over through HQ and played san andreas for a bit, cause thats what me and justin do well: kill people and commit crimes. then me and haley scratched scratchers outside of the ampm in the lot and won a new ticket and 5$. that was pretty righteous. chilled at HQ some more, watched how i met your mother on dvd. i had in n out grilled cheese meal for the first time in a long time and i ate it in about 3 minutes. went to mike poseys house and kicked it for a bit. i miss mike SOOO much, we used to hangout from 9am to 3am everyday awhile ago. then, we went back to HQ and chilled some more, and i came home. i wake up this morning and my brother tells me im about to get kicked out of my house? so yeah, thats pretty cool i guess ill have to see whats going on with that...

the season's changing. from fall to winter. but really, for me, its going from fall to spring. the desolate winter wont exist in me this year.

ten page essay due monday.. havent even started it yet..

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