Friday, June 13, 2008

june thirteenth.

I woke up and listened to matisyahu and packed my shit all day. took about three hours. everybody got home from work around 3. we chilled for a bit then they left to take showers. while zak and jeremy were taking showers, our friend dan arrived at the casa with a thermos. an orange liquid emerged from the opening and upon drinking it, my tastebuds recognized that it had booze in it. I asked what it was, and the reply was "1/4 abolut vodka, 1/8 malibu rum, and the rest orang juice"

I saaid fuck that and added more bacardi to it, then added some captain morgan, then some cocktail mix, then some grenadine, then finally some vanilla ice cream, stirred, and chugged away. I checked the clock and it said 4:05. enough time for some wine. me dan and zak chugged two glasses of some amazing wine. then jeremy got out of the shower and we grabbed some import german beer and ran to the car and did 95 down 6th street. on the i25/6th street junction, we ran into some gnarly traffic. avoiding the traffic, we went downtown and cut across market street to i70 towards the airport. the clock read 4:45. I had to be checked in BY 5pm.

its now 6:43 and I am in a kfc in lakewood, colorado. drunk and bummed.

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