Thursday, June 12, 2008

if you're not with us, you're against us..

ignorance seems to be a governing theme in todays world. from politics to overall general attitude towards one another. people who actually think for themselves are becoming harder and harder to find as time goes on and the overall frustration level rises. now, I don't care at all about politics because it is my opinion that we're fucked either way, but what bugs me is the trend of ignorance in straight edge. if you don't know already, I'm not straight edge anymore. I WAS straight edge for five years, before lots of my friends had even heard of it.... but I definitely haven't been around since the beginning of time. since I have made the conscious decision to not bound my inhibitions to a promise I made when I was 14, I've definitely been getting the cold shoulder from edge kids. I don't make excuses for myself, although in my mind, I have arguable points.. because I have respect for other peoples' outlooks and life choices. I have NEVER even jokingly tried to convince somebody who's straight edge to drink or smoke, because I used to get pissed when people would do that to me. I don't outright force my opinions down everybodys throat via myspace or personal conversation, because that is ignorance in itself. I do get way more personal in this blogspot than anything you will ever read on the internet, however, because the reader has way more of a choice to read it and its harder to merely stumble upon. now, I'm happy to say, my best friends that I was alongside in straight edge and I legitimately love haven't abandoned me, although one or two is more distant. sucks... but whatever I don't want ignorant best friends. its like a powerful cult in some geographic regions... trust me I've been there. people literally will hate you off the bat for not being straight edge. if you are of no association to the hardcore community and do not know the roots of straight edge, you're not straight edge.... even if you don't drink, smoke, have promiscuous sex, etc. straight edge was good to me, it was all I had at a few points in my life, even in absense of a home, friends, or family.. ill love it forever and share a mutual respect level with others for it, just for all the life experiences I've been through in straight edge. it was my christ... my bible... my religion. sounds stupid but its true, except for the part where I never preached or tried to brainwash. I'd go to wild ragers in high school and after high school, only difference between me and the random dude next to me at the party is that he was swiggin on a mickeys 40, and I kept it real with a dads root beer 32. I partied. hard. you don't need illicit substances for that.

there isn't just black and white.... there's a gray area... and that gray area is called conscious thought and logic.

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