Saturday, June 14, 2008

I am jacks cold sweat.

numb. constantly feeling upside down or backwards in this world. hot weather feels like ice in my heart. four plaster walls surround and follow me wherever I go. there's no ceiling. but I don't feel like jumping. I guess you could say some of me likes being trapped... likes being grounded by something... likes imagining blue skies when in fact there's nothing but storms. but surely there is the better half of me who just wants to jump through that hole in the box and turn into a bird. not to go anywhere, just to feel the cool rush of wind on my face as I fall out of a sky that is actually blue when I die... soaring higher than these four walls could ever enclose... just to make my fall from grace. but.. here.. in my own little room that follows me.. is where ill stay. shrouded in false innocence and silent hope. the only thing concrete also being a detriment. I will forever be south of heaven.

upside down feet in the sky.

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