Wednesday, June 11, 2008

june eleventh.

today, I spawn new innocence. I woke up at 6am today. I don't sleep anymore than 5 hours a night lately. so I woke up to realize that it was overcast, windy, and about 43 degrees. perfect weather for a nice day of movies and soup. I really wanted tomato bisque soup, but I remembered that I definitely ate the last two cans the other night. so I settled for two cans of spaghetti o's and way too much orange juice. I then sat down and watched 8 mile. eminems acting in that movie really goes unappreciated and underrated. brittany murphy still sucks and she's literally a slut in every movie. I wonder if it hurts her self esteem that she keeps being "chosen" for all these roles where she's essentially a whore. after that fine piece of film, I threw in the pianist. I swear to you, this is one of the top five longest movies ever... it seems like I tossed it in the dvd player yesterday and it is STILL on. I love how the movie is called the pianist and not something downcast. the main focus of the film isn't so much a piano or the skill of playing the piano, but of the harsh times in warsaw poland. at the same time, the piano turns out to be the last shred of dignity and humanity for adrien brody's character. I wish I could do anything as well as this guy plays the piano. its wild.

I didn't shower yesterday. or today. scummy.

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