Thursday, July 17, 2008

listening with my ears and listening with my eyes and...

its 2:06 am right now. omar is passed out on the couch and I'm ripping cds to jakes xbox 360. me and omar almost singlehandedly killed a handle of bacardi tonight. what's crazy is that I don't even feel drunk even though I know I am... I just feel.... normal. we played grand theft auto and call of duty and me and omar made everybody laugh tonight... as is the normal routine. but after everybody went to bed... when it was just me and omar... we just sat on a couch and listened to music that hit home in both of us. I'm ripping/listening to a lot more of that tonight... considering I'm not even tired. what's weird nowadays is that I only get tired when I'm sober... but when I'm drunk, I only sleep about 4 hours a night. I can't explain that, but I can freely say that it can't be any reason that's beneficial to my health. there's about an inch of rum left in the bottle and I have every intention of drinking it and zoning out to death cab, dashboard, postal service, and matisyahu. I'm content with my life right now... therefore, your opinion on my choices and habits means nothing to me... because nobody means anything to me save for the few in this apartment and maybe one or two others. you're just extras in the movie of my life.

so here I go again.. slipping into another one of my disappearing acts... who knows when I resurface.

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