Monday, September 1, 2008

wings of lead

i need to get out of this city. it is a breeding ground for the type of life that i am better than, but i still live in it. everything i see is an anchor tethering me to home. so i choose to have nothing concrete. how can you be anchored when you dont supply the rope? do anchors exist out east? is "anchor" even a word? do they speak a different dialect in maryland? i want an ocean with no waves or anchors to be my life. serene. flat. expansive. i dont want crests or ridges. i dont want boats or islands. i want to look into the distance and see only the promising rise of the sun. and know that the sun will set behind me soon. and there will be nothing to maintain focus of in the distance. i want to KNOW this... to see it. feel it. and be ok with it. all i want to do is cheers the setting sun.

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