pick it up.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
16 minute journey.
hold the grail to saurons sky and beg forgiveness to an unmerciful master. the ground shakes. the earth peals loudly into a chasm. ten thousand legionnaires are exhumed from an earthy grave. ten thousand sets of eyes focus on a relic that doubles as a key. ten thousand screams spank the air into ten thousand pieces. the chamber murmurs a bubbling, boiling, growl. pressure rises. humidity languid with the breath of the dead. victory alive on the warrior's lips. dancing. the taste of blood meshing the internal gears at full speed. melee. the spoils of the dead are draped over every rock and blackened stump. an entranced smile creeps along his face. his eyes are reflected off the relic of ra burning a cross in his hand.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
english 1P
why is pulling the plug right or wrong? when we're "braindead", are we REALLY braindead? as humans, i guess we would be, considering the traits that make us human (critical thinking, rationale, problem solving) dont exist anymore. but we're not "braindead", we're just not human. we're animals. the instinct is still there. the needs are still there. just not the means to utilize them. so, my point is.. if "humane" euthanasia is acceptable to do to people, why isnt it acceptable to animals? thats what we become: animals. so its the same as euthanizing animals.
how can this girl know what "braindead" people are "thinking"? does she know they only want to die? touchy subject, but the outlandish stance this girl had was too far off the wall to not share. she wasnt just "pro-choice" about euthanasia, she was IN FAVOR of euthanasia.
the stances people take on controversial topics look really stupid when you step out of the objective and interpret everything in the third person. theres rarely logic... just a stance thats firmly set in stone.
english is a great class, lots of interesting people.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Slayer- Reign In Blood
Ben Folds- The Unauthorized Biography..
Animosity- Empires
The Brian Setzer Orchestra- The Dirty Boogie
Municipal Waste- Hazardous Mutation
Cartel- Chroma
T.I.- King
Wintersun- Wintersun
Bright Eyes- I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
Coldplay- X&Y
All Shall Perish- Hate. Malice. Revenge.
Ryan Adams- Rock N Roll
Sunday, September 21, 2008
the nails keep piling on
ive been thinking a lot lately about becoming a jay or a silent bob. i already dont have much, might as well demean myself as a person by thinking its cool. not having a cell phone is liberating, i actually am pretty into the idea of not having one, unfortunately for me, phone companies have your balls in a vice grip what with contracts and cancellation fees and credit and whatnot, so i guess that makes my luxury a necessity? society has a good way of doing that. gasoline. cars. phones. money.
fucking red tape.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
ill sub the depth for the shallow
i feel myself getting skinnier even though i eat and drink more?
i need new clothes
i want to finish my left arm (i need a new artist)
my birthday is in 5 days. i want nice things from nice people.
i really want a ham sandwich.
Friday, September 19, 2008
society is a shitheapt. everybody thinks theyre at the top when theyre really below the bottom.
rock bottom delusions.
Monday, September 15, 2008
hate. malice. revenge.
i am the catalyst to your dismemberment and disconnect.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wikipedia. Your thoughts.
First, I would like to know what you think. Good? Bad? Do you use often? Do you avoid it? Do you trust it? Is it good that "we" create it? Is it bad that “we” create it? Can unnamed authors and editors be credible? Post your answer in your journal.
Second, find an entry related to the upcoming presidential election (it can be anything: candidates, Electoral College, voting fraud, conventions, debates, as long as it is related.) Post the url to the site in your journal. Tell me something you did not know about the topic that you learned from the entry.
Third, use Google to find a credible site on the web dealing with the same topic. Post the url to your journal. What makes the source credible?
Finally, tell me which one you like better. Why?
You should be able to complete this in three to four paragraphs. English 01 standards hold here, well written entries only.
my response:
in response to the second prompted question of this assignment, i have here a wikipedia article that is the pinnacle of political success ; a list of the governers from the great, independent, self-sustaining state of alaska. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Governors_of_Alaska. notice how not one of those names on the list is important in any way at all.the guys who were governor from 1945 til about 1985 had it the worst, every once in awhile they actually had to glance west in the direction of Russia to make sure there werent and red armies coming across the icy abyss that is the unwanted bering sea. that affects the current election in the regards that sarah palin, being the wonderfully experienced potential vice president that she is, hails from a state that has offered nothing but gold rushes since the 1890s. she has had no trials or tribulations as governor besides the occasional commercial about polar bears, which is really only on air to remind us that Alaska DOES, in fact, exist. The only REAL annoyance shes had in office is slapping oil drilling activists away out of her hair. It just seems to me as if John McCain is advertising himself to a certain demograph of people, women of course. I think its a gimmick and unoriginal and only used because logically and ideally, he cant compete with Barack Obama as an intellectual leader, so McCain turns to Obama's skin tone and sees it as an adaptable clever marketing technique. if you want my honest opinion, neither candidate is suitable enough for me to make an outright decision on, so im going to trust myself to not vote and leave the election to the people who it really matters to, the people who need a beacon of hope and promise in this world. it is my personal volition to never vote in an election until somebody who has experienced the ugly side of life runs for office. why would i trust my future and the nations future to one or the other trust fund baby when they are the epitome of everything i hate?
as far as non objective opinions, wikipedia is not reliable, as it always written by a source that is partisan in one form or another. I believe that a person can only form a logical factual opinion through the culmination of events through multiple sources and types of media. since this is a journal entry, i am not following certain formats too well. but journals tend to be more freeform, so im doing what i can with the pen and the canvas. if you get bored in the library, you can check out my blog at ryanxalves.blogspot.com. i write what i feel in there too, and im sure you can look down on my punitive 19 year old existence from a disdainful height adequately on there.
its been a pleasure, erin..
drunk homework rules.
it seems like my weekend has gone by very fast, but in all honesty... thats only because i have been steadily in the middle of the drunk spectrum since 11am friday. i am on the high end of that spectrum now. does it cheapen my words to know they are merely the silent confessions of an old drunk? im not very well liked by many people... ive come to terms with it. i sincerely dont care. my deep dark damp thoughts that enter my brain yet have no exit find their home on this canvas.
i dont think anybody will ever TRULY know me.
im going to disappear in a few weeks/months and not resurface til im done writing.
masturbatory. all of it.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
attorney at guilt
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Dear Boat,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
dont stand so close to me.
accept me for what i am, part of the background for everybodys life.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
bastard set of dreams.
i woke up a very rich man this morning.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
please. give me something to believe in.