Saturday, May 2, 2009

Turn the events and put it from neutral to cruise control.

I'm sailing away and nothing will ever be the same.

I'm sailing away to undiscovered seas.

Wednesday, my potential new job flew me up to portland for an intense interview and background check, drug test. It was a wild day... woke at 4am, flight left at 6am. landed. tested. ran back to catch the 9.50am flight. back in sacramento by 11:20. home by noon. showered. walked to the bus stop. worked at payless. walked home. nonstop.

right now im packing a bag(s) because theyre sending me to the pacific northwest all week. two days in seattle and four days in portland. then home. i have about 40$ to spend on the trip, and meals arent included, so lets see how that part pans out. rent and bills keep killin me... i dont even have enough after rent to pay my phone bill this month so im in a mad rush to scope out things i want to do up north on the computer and email all the important information to myself, so that when my phone gets shut off on tuesday, at least i wont be bored.

moms is kickin me out of the house in 30 days. crunch time. lots more travel means lots more pictures.

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