Friday, May 8, 2009

hybrid moments.

In all honesty, I had an entire, 100% disclosure of my week typed in here, then I decided it was too real and personal and trivial. It was a fun, wild week though. I was in the northwest from sunday until about an hour ago... working and learning. I met some absolutely amazing people and I'm sure a few of them have already turned into lifelong friends over the course of a week. I told people stories I've never told anybody. And had a great time with people I had never met and didn't know. I learned a lot, took a lot of dumb tests, travelled A LOT, and worked a lot. It was all in all a great week, no matter how exhausting or how much of a headache it was. I'm bummed that I have to come back to reality. Tomorrow, car hunt #2 starts, and I have to find a place that will finance me. Because I have 120$ to my name and terrible credit.

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