Saturday, October 4, 2008


i vaguely remember reading somewhere recently that there's an election this year? and i once overheard somebody say how it was the most historic election ever? i need to get in touch with humanity and the great american way of life, it seems. why is this election considered to be so important? whats at stake here? george bush already cant be re-elected (and it is my own personal opinion that sadaam hussein would be a more suitable leader for our country, gentle reader), and if Bush cant be re-elected, what does it matter who follows in his footsteps? the Harrison election was much more important, as was the Cleveland election, because so much more was at stake in the ways of foreign policy and reformation. anyways, this election is getting too much of a tumult raised in its name, if you ask me. if both the candidates say that respectively their gender or race doesnt matter, why is it being used as a marketing ploy on their parts in the form of products or commercials?

i refuse to vote. ive always refused to vote, because the power of democracy nowadays doesnt lie within the people. trust fund babies, corrupted hierarchies, and corporations own congress now. and congress has the real power. the al gore election was great evidence of how off-key our election process has become.. he won in the popular vote, but lost the electoral vote. the PEOPLE wanted him, the corrupt congress did not. the electoral college needs to be eliminated so true democracy can have a voice. republics work, but only in their non corruptive, progressive state. congress is too content with the way things are run nowadays to really make any changes. i resolved to not vote until the electoral college was gone a long time ago. and im tired of catching flak from all directions because i wont vote. in my classes, at school, amongst peers, from relatives. its not like im ignorant, i have an educated stance on the matter. if there was a proposal for an amendment abolishing the electoral college that the people as direct constituents could absolve to, then i would vote in favor of it.

im sick of the red tape thats designed to keep the good, hard working people voiceless.

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